There was a meeting of the Muscogee Genealogical Society on Saturday, February 11, 2023, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Columbus Public Library in the Synovus Room A (3000 Macon Road). The program will be presented by Linda McCardle, Columbus genealogist and author: “Writing Your Family’s Story.”
Our family stories are so much more than names, dates, and places. Using relatives’ stories, newspapers, artifacts, records, and photographs you can tell the story of your family in a meaningful way using blogs, published articles, and books. Local genealogist and writer Linda McCardle will share her tips for writing those family stories you have been meaning to write for years!
The schedule for this meeting is as follows:
2:30-3:00 – Meet and greet for members and guests (refreshments served)
3:00–3:15 – Business meeting (voting on revised constitution)*
3:15-4:30 – Program on “Your Family Story”
Open to the public. Call 706-322-3175 for more information.
*Copy of proposed revisions on this post.