Muscogiana: Journal of the Muscogee Genealogical Society
The Society publishes the Muscogiana biannually, issued in the spring and fall, and is one of the benefits of membership. Since 1989, the Muscogee Genealogical Society has published material on all aspects of the original Muscogee County including compiled genealogies, case studies, instructional articles relating to new research methodologies, essays on local history, and unpublished primary source materials held in public, private and family archives.
An index is available.
Editorial Board
Mike Bunn – Editor
John Lupold
David Owings
Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr.
Submission of Material for Publication
Interested parties are welcome to submit source material and journal articles for publication in Muscogiana. Submissions should be sent electronically as a Word document to the editor.
To be considered for publication, the subject matter must be of cultural, historical and/or genealogical significance to the Columbus/original Muscogee County, Georgia, area that consists of Harris County, Talbot County, Marion County, Chattahoochee County and the current Muscogee County.
All articles should be footnoted according to the Chicago Manual of Style and should be from 1,000 to 5,000 words in length. The editor and the editorial board make final decisions on the acceptance of material of publication. See Neither the Muscogee Genealogical Society nor Columbus State University can accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in material submitted for publication.
Book Reviews
Book reviews of both local titles and general genealogical monographs are accepted for inclusion in Muscogiana. Reviews should be 350-750 words and should contain an overview of the work and an analysis of the value of the work to genealogists and other researchers in the region. The editor maintains a list of books for review, which is available on request.
Queries are welcome from members and non-members. Queries are limited to one per issue. There are no charges for queries.
Back Issues
Some print issues of Muscogiana can be obtained by contacting the society’s executive director emerita and treasurer.
Muscogiana articles may also be accessed electronically. Click here for information on electronic access.